Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Roth Steyr model 1907 / M.7 self-loading pistol (Austria)

 Roth Steyr model 1907 / M.7 self-loading pistol (Austria)
Roth M.7 (model 1907) self-loading pistol 
Roth M.7 (model 1907) self-loading pistol; bolt is locked back, and a loaded clip is inserted into the gun, ready to load the magazine.


TypeSingle Action semiautomatic
Caliber(s)8mm Roth
Weight unloaded1004 g
Length243 mm
Barrel length126 mm
Magazine capacity10 rounds

The Roth Model 1907 pistol bears the distinction of the first semi-automatic (self-loading) pistol that was ever adopted by any major military force in the world. In this particular case, it was the cavalry of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The pistol was based on patents of famous Austrian gun designers Georg Roth and Karel (Charles) Krnka. This pistol was manufactured between 1907 and 1918, and some 90 000 Roth M.07 pistols were made at Steyr and FEG arms factories.

The Roth Model 1907 pistol uses short recoil action with rotary barrel. barrel has two sets of radial lugs, each consisting of two lugs. Front pair of lugs, which is located near the barrel, follows the cam tracks cut in the stationary barrel bushing, thus forcing the barrel to rotate upon recoil. The rear set of lugs locks the barrel to the forward bolt extension when barrel is in forward position. Upon recoil, the barrel rotates and the rear lugs leave their mortises in the bolt extension, unlocking the bolt and allowing it to recoil freely to complete operating cycle. The feed is from integral box magazine, which is located inside the grip. Magazine is loaded from special stripper clips that are inserted into the loading ejection port at the top of the gun. Once the clip is inserted, shooter presses the cartridges from the clip and into the magazine, then removes the empty clip and presses bolt release button, to close the bolt and make the pistol ready to fire. The trigger of the Roth M.07 pistol was of quite advanced design. The gun was striker-fired, and the striker was only partially cocked after each shot. To complete the cocking and then release the striker, shooter have to full the trigger all the way back. Since integral the magazine was loaded from the top, pistol had a special "magazine release" button, which allowed to unload all cartridges in magazine at once, once the bolt is manually locked back.

indonesian :

pistol Roth Model 1907  beruang perbedaan semi-otomatis (self-loading) pistol pertama yang pernah diadopsi oleh kekuatan militer utama di dunia. Dalam kasus ini, itu adalah kavaleri kekaisaran Austro-Hungaria. Pistol didasarkan pada paten dari desainer gun Austria terkenal Georg Roth dan Karel (Charles) Krnka. Pistol ini diproduksi antara 1907 dan 1918, dan beberapa 90 000 pistol Roth M.07 dibuat di pabrik-pabrik senjata Steyr dan FEG.

pistol Roth Model 1907  menggunakan tindakan mundur pendek dengan laras putar. barrel memiliki dua set lugs radial, masing-masing terdiri dari dua lugs. Depan sepasang lugs, yang terletak dekat laras, mengikuti jejak cam dipotong barel bushing stasioner, sehingga memaksa laras untuk memutar pada mundur. Set belakang lugs mengunci barel menjadi perpanjangan baut depan ketika barel di posisi depan. Setelah mundur, berputar barel dan lugs belakang meninggalkan mortises mereka dalam perpanjangan baut, membuka baut dan memungkinkan untuk mundur secara bebas untuk menyelesaikan siklus operasi. Pakan adalah dari majalah kotak terpisahkan, yang terletak di dalam genggaman. Majalah dimuat dari klip stripper khusus yang dimasukkan ke port ejeksi pemuatan di bagian atas pistol. Setelah klip dimasukkan, penembak menekan kartrid dari klip dan ke majalah, kemudian menghapus klip kosong dan menekan tombol pelepas baut, untuk menutup baut dan membuat pistol siap api. Pemicu pistol Roth M.07 adalah desain cukup maju. Pistol itu striker-dipecat, dan striker itu hanya sebagian memiringkan setelah setiap tembakan. Untuk melengkapi memiringkan dan kemudian melepaskan striker, penembak harus penuh memicu semua jalan kembali. Sejak terpisahkan majalah itu dimuat dari atas, pistol memiliki "rilis majalah" tombol khusus, yang memungkinkan untuk membongkar semua kartrid di majalah sekaligus, setelah baut secara manual terkunci kembali.

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